Students of Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, we are here for you! :-)

Autor článku: Juraj Šlesar
Článok vyšiel: 1. marca 2015
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There’s a final on Friday and you still don’t have a clue what to learn from? Other bookstores will deliver your study literature a week after you need it. Not in in Martin.

Since we know how tricky it might be to look for medical books, we decided to help you in this struggle. We have expanded our range and stock of useful medicine supplies so you won’t waste your time waiting. We know that learning is not just browsing books, so we have widened our offer of skull and skeleton models. Medical posters, too.


You can order books and other non-book material by email. We will take care of your order, pack it and let you know when your order is ready for you to take it home. The advantage of picking it up personally is that you can flip through the book or check the skull model so you will be 100% sure you´re buying what you need. If it´s not possible for you to come to our lovely bookstore, we can arrange delivery by courier, but we cannot guarantee that he will be as nice as we would be.

Every student of Jessenius Medical Faculty is entitled to his own Martinus club card that will guarantee benefits for every purchase. Since we know that being a student is not the cheapest – so many subjects and every one of them requires something to study from we offer you 10% discount on every book.

Your order shall be placed at, don’t forget to include some very important details, such as your full name, phone number and whole title of your selected books. Should it happen that we don’t have the book you need in our assortment, do not hesitate to write an inquiry to the address listed above. We will hand it to the best search dwarfs and they will work day and night to get you what you need.

For those who haven’t visited us yet :
M.R.Štefánika 58 (pedestrian zone)
036 01 Martin


Opening hours :

Monday – Friday : 8:00 – 18:00

Saturday : 9:00 – 12:00

Sunday : closed

If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate to ask at or come personally to meet us.

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O autorovi
Juraj Šlesar

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